FREE intro session with Jody Powell, ND, Naturopathic Doctor and Classical Homeopath
Wednesday, February 26th,
1101 Village Rd. Suite LL1B , Carbondale
Trained in both conventional and alternative medicine, Dr Powell brings a completely different perspective to healthy weight management by identifying and treating the underlying causes of your weight loss challenges. Dr Powell will explain how small metabolic imbalances, which your regular doctor may not consider significant, can have serious impacts on your energy, metabolism, and weight.
Learn how your brain chemistry is affected by the foods you choose to eat. Learn how toxins in your environment cause you to gain weight. This is health and nutrition from a Holistic perspective, Naturopathic Medicine treats the whole person, physical, mental, and emotional. Learn how underlying emotional issues affect weight loss. Then learn what you can do about all of these challenges, and the tools that a Naturopathic Doctor has to help you change these factors, making way for a healthier, happier you.
This class will also include an introduction to Dr Powell’s 6 week cleanse, food sensitivity detoxification and weight loss program which begins May 9th.