Thursday, March 20th
7 pm
Calaway Room, Third Street Center
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale
Evolution chronicles the birth of Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh) live streaming, from its earliest incarnations in the form of Skype and the very first live streams from Karlsrhue, Germany, to the infancy of Braco TV and the development of this amazing Internet technology that today delivers Braco’s gift worldwide.
Evolution opens a doorway to the future, telling the story of a partnership between spirit and technology. Filled with stories from people who have experienced Braco’s gift in theor laptopns, or their smart phones or tablets, Evolution is a confirmation of the unexplainable, yet undeniable power of spirit. (60 minutes)
Who is Braco? Braco is a beautiful soul from Croatia deeply committed to loving service. For more than sixteen years, people from all over Europe have been streaming to Zagreb, Croatia to experience the extraordinary via a simple act of gazing with Braco (pronounced Braht-zoh, meaning “Little Brother” in Croatian). While Braco doesn’t call himself a healer, hundreds of thousands around the world do.
Added short film: Appointment with the Wise Old Dog
The profoundly moving inner journey of writer, composer, music aficionado, David Blum is expressed in his film Appointment with the Wise Old Dog which was produced in 1998 as he was dying from cancer.
What would motivate a musician, a very private and shy man, to make a film of his spiritual journey during the final phase of metastatic cancer? David felt with all of his being that his inner experience did not belong to him alone. He also believed that everyone has the capacity to access their own inner reality, however irrational it may seem. His story is an invitation to enter into the process of self-discovery, which is of the highest value whatever our outer human condition and circumstances. (29 minutes.)
Suggested donation: $10
Co-sponsored by A Spiritual Center and Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing.