LOVE: Together by Choice –
A Compassionate Communication Workshop for Couples
with Karen Barbee, founder of Steadfast Communication, LLC
Rescheduling in process:
Contact Karen Barbee to register and for more information at 970-618-9409 or
Imagine living when arranged marriage was the norm, with someone else making the choice who you would share your life with…the rest of your life? In some ways it was easier. You had no choice.
But you DO have choice! You have the choice of the person you make your number one and how your relationship is working. As long as you remember you are in choice you remain powerful in your relationship. Forget and your relationship begins to pay a price.
In this workshop, Love ~ Together By Choice, Karen Barbee will help you and your mate understand the skills to be together in rewarding, nurturing way.
You will:
- get a glimpse into how each of you will learn to connect so that you both thrive and the relationship deepens.
- begin to understand how difficult times will become an opportunity for growth and understanding.
- see that your choices reflect that which you value and care for.
“Come learn the powerful way of being together by choice.”
Karen Barbee is a NonViolent Communication Trainer, a Certified Mediator, a Collaborative Divorce Neutral, an Empathic Coach, a Restorative Justice and Communication Consultant and Facilitator. Karen is Co-President for The Board of Directors of Mountain Judicial Mediators, assistant for the NonViolent Communication Leadership Program and the Empathic Livelihood Program, a graduate of the Roaring Fork Leadership Program, and a Critical Friends Coach. As the founder of Steadfast Communication, LLC, Karen helps people harness the power of their words and, thereby, deepen the understanding and the quality of connection they have in their personal and professional relationships.
Fee for Day Long Workshop $200 per couple. Pre-registration required!
Contact Karen Barbee to register and for more information at 970-618-9409 or
More information on Karen’s work at