A Compassionate Communication Workshop

What Did You Say? Harness the Power of Your Words: A Compassionate Communication Workshop
offered by Karen Barbee, MA and Doyle Banks
New dates to be announced.
Day One: Foundational Skill Building
Day Two: Deepening and Application of Skills

If you are interested in taking the training in Compassionate Communcation
contact Karen Barbee at 970-618-9409 or Email: steadfast.kbarbee@gmail.com

to be put on the waiting list.

Why Take This Training?

Our words are one of the most powerful tools we have to create the quality of life and the depth of connection with others that we want. In “What did you say? Harness the power of your words” you will learn the skills that put you at the helm of your own life.

NonViolent Communication logoThis foundational NonViolent Communication workshop addresses real-life situations, both those that are joyful and those that are painful, and through the offered skills leads the participants to a deep understanding of why the joy and pain exist and what you can do about it. By learning the skills of the NonViolent Communication model, participants become empowered to communicate so that they experience deeper connection and understanding, both of self and of other.

As a participant you are invited to ask and answer the questions, “What do you value? What do you want?” and into the exploration of making real the answer.

As a participant, you will have an opportunity to learn to:

  • Speak in a way that you are heard and understood
  • Listen to hear the message in the words of others
  • Create win/win outcomes from conflict
  • Effectively deal with emotions
  • Deepen your relationships
Cost: $125.00 Day One and $200.00 for Day One & Two
Call to register and for venue. Preregistration requested! Contact Karen Barbee at 970-618-9409 or Email: steadfast.kbarbee@gmail.com

Your Trainers:

BarbeeKaren Barbee, Owner of Steadfast Communication, LLC, GWS, CO

Karen is a certified NonViolent Communication Trainer. Through her work, Karen supports people to develop the communication skills that will make the qualities of respect and empowerment a norm for all relationships. Karen works with couples and also with schools, offering her Building A Circle program. She is a trained mediator. It is Karen’s delight to support people as they learn communication skills that help them to thrive in their own lives.

Doyle BanksDoyle Banks, Owner of Speak Love, Portland, OR

Doyle Banks is a teacher, facilitator, life coach and mediator. Specializing in Compassionate Communication as a method and philosophy, he teaches people how to live in alignment with their deepest values and how to create effective, harmonious relationships. He is a registered CNVC certification candidate and a certified mediator.