An Afternoon Workshop with Rev. Maria Dancing Heart, author of The Last Adventure of Life and JOYFUL TRANSITIONS: Reclaiming the Cycle of Life
Saturday, May 16th
1 to 5 PM
Calaway Room, Third Street Center,
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale
This workshop will help you examine your perspectives on death, grief, and transitions of all kinds. We will explore how to weave life and death back together again in a culture that has separated them. We will look at ways that death can teach us about life, and how we can remain open to learn & grow from these opportunities. Simple holistic techniques for healing, relaxation, and healthy self-care will be shared.
Cost: $ 60. For more information and to register call 970-618-5879.
Rev. Maria Dancing Heart Hoaglund is a holistic end-of-life & grief coach. She is an international author who has served as a hospice counselor for many years. She considers herself a bridge builder and transformational healer who encourages more joy and awareness around the cycle of living and dying. Come join the healing conversation – with hearts wide open!
Books will be available for purchase also samples of Soul Baskets.
For more information about Maria, her work and her books visit and