Satyananda Yoga Nidra with Peggy Burke, “Mridula”
Saturday, November 14
7 pm
Rising Crane Training Center
768 Hwy 133, Carbondale, Colorado
Peggy Burke, a local in the valley since 1997, is leading a Yoga Nidra guided meditation. Peggy was introduced to Satyananda Yoga Nidra as a relaxation and healing technique in 2002 and has visited the Satyananda Ashram in India four times since 2006 – deepening the yogic philosophy and practices in her daily life. She received her certification to teach Yoga Nidra in September 2015 by the Yoga Academy of North America, in Cleveland, Ohio.
This guided simple meditation technique has been used the world over in hospitals, prisons, corporate settings, schools, yoga studios and private sessions to provide deep relaxation and therapeutic healing for a variety of illnesses and conditions with a wide population.
Beginners welcome. No experience required. Bring a yoga mat and a light covering for this meditation in the pose of Shavasana (lying down).
Satyananda Yoga Nidra is a scientific, systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. During the practice, one appears to be asleep, but the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness.
Participants are invited to stay for *Kirtan (yogic chanting) following the meditation practice with Barry Chapman. This is a free form of joyful, devotional singing in the form of call and response. The chanting of mantras can bring about calming effects on the mind and body.
*Kirtan is a non-denominational, universal language of spirit, the song of the soul. Join in or simply imbibe the energy.