Shari Billger Workshops November 2nd, 4th and 5th

Shari Billger is an international teacher healer. She is offering 4 workshops in Carbondale in early November.
All workshops are held at 3rd Street Center, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

Special Rate for Merkaba Workshop $144 just announced October 30, 2017!

Sound Bath & Group and Individual Healing Workshop
Thursday, November 2nd  6 – 8 pm

Artist Rendering of Shari’s Healing Hands

Assuming there is at least one alternate universe (quantum physicists now believe there are between 11 and an infinite number of universes!) who would you be if you were healthy?

Energy, sound healing and issue re-patterning assists you in reaching this goal.

Experience a combination of healing modalities – frequency plus intention equals healing!

Shari will offer individual and group healings during this workshop. She will utilize any and or all of the following modalities: Tuning forks;; Crystal Bowls; Essential Oils; Sound; Energy constriction release; Color; Meditation; Chakra clearing; Fear release; Reiki; Ho-hoponopono on steroids (intention, color and a pendulum); DNA reset.


 “I was having ankle issues and contacted Shari because I was very familiar with her powerful work. I could feel the shift in my ankle as the pain left”.

“Shari gets to the emotional root of the issue so real healing can take place”

Fee: $33
To register contact Shari: or Phone: 719-999-8478 or 719-332-3947 (cell)

Shari is offering private sessions while in Carbondale November 3rd through the 5th. Call her to make an appointment.

DNA Merkaba Flower of Life Workshop – From The Heart Center
Saturday, November 4th
10 am – 6 pm  

Activation of your Merkaba is essential for Ascension. The MER*KA*BA is a rotating, geometric, crystalline Light-Energy field that extends around the body. It is a visualization and breathing technique that activates the Human Light Body  It assists in moving you out of judgement into Unity Consciousness and discernment.  Sacred Geometry is the language in which God has written the Universe. The completed Flower of Life symbol, found all over the world is considered to be the basic unit necessary for the creation of all material.

“I have witnessed accelerated growth within my students after the activation of their MerKaBa!” – Shari

Experience profound changes at every level of your life. This one-day only workshop has been created so that more of us are able to activate our Merkabas.

Also included: DNA activation, how to program your Merkaba, heart opening & how to shift your awareness from your brain to your heart, higher-self connection, how to create a surrogate Merkaba and maybe a surprise or two!

What can I expect as a result of activating my Merkaba?  Growth of the pineal gland, heart opening – more joy and love for all life, awakening to the truth, increased manifestation, increased awareness, Unity consciousness, the healing of judgement, healing and more.

VERY IMPORTANT! Because we are becoming more right brained it is now necessary to activate the MerKaBa from the Heart Center also known as what the Upanishads call the City of Brahman or the lotus of the heart. It is what Jesus referred to as the ”’Flame within the Sacred Heart”. It is also St. Francis’s style of living that brought the animals to his side.  Drunvalo Melchizedek coined it “Living In The Heart”.  The aboriginals from New Zealand’s term was shape-shifting.  In Human Design this sacred place is located in the G-Center.

Workshop FEE: All Hallowed Days Special $144. ($100 Deposit required to reserve space. Once registration is confirmed with your deposit, you will receive a Flower of Life book in PDF format to read prior to attending the workshop.)
To register please email Shari: or call 719-332-3947.

Human Design Introductory Workshop “The Bridge to Universal Peace”
Sunday, November 5th
10 am to 12 pm 

Your path to unfold the gifts and genius of your DNA and your purpose on earth!

Would You Like To:

  • learn your own unique blueprint that can guide you to live the life you are designed to live?
  • unfold and discover your purpose?
  • work with your DNA to heal
  • discover your gifts and develop your mastery?
  • stop struggling with relationships – any and all relationships?
  • stop struggling with boundary issues?
  • heal your shadow side?
  • Would you like to? ……….. just fill in the blank!

Shari assists you in kicking down the walls of the box and your flying free! Human Design is your guide

The Human Design system is a synthesis of the Indian Chakra System, astrology, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah and Quantum Physics.  Human Design is a literal stringing out of your DNA.

“I started learning and living this amazing system while teaching in Ibiza, Spain. I have personally witnessed countless lives changed as a result.” Shari

Energy Exchange: $33 class fee to be paid in advance.
Registration deadline October 30th to reserve your place  and complete your individual chart!

To register contact Shari by E-mail: or Phone 719-999-8478 (home) or 719-332-3947 (cell).

Shari will ask for your birth information in order to create your unique chart for the class.  A Level I Human Design Workshop will be held at a later date this winter. For those who register for the Level I workshop at this Intro session, $22 of the $33 will go towards the Level I Human Design Workshop.

Living From the Heart Center Workshop with Shari Billger/International Teacher Healer
Sunday, November 5th
1:30 – 4 pm

“Who Am I?” 
Your heart holds the answers. 

Learn a modern approach to entering and living from the sacred place in the heart that sages of all ages have identified as the source of Life and Love. Living ‘From The Heart Center’ connects our sacred heart space to all of life.  From this place you can recreate the world into one of love and balance – healing all problems. This place is where every living being can touch the Prime Creator as a totality. Once it is experienced, your life will be changed forever.

We live in a world of electrical and magnetic fields – the heart has the strongest, not the brain. The heart is the very first organ to form in your mother’s body. We can hone and tune the 40,000 specialized cells, sensory neurites in our heart center for self-healing, powerful intuition, triggering anti-aging hormones in our bodies waiting to be triggered.  Heart Math has discovered that our heart rhythm patterns are the best reflection of our inner state.

“Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart. Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes Lives in the Self”The Upanishads

Energy Exchange: $33. To register, contact Shari at or call 719-332-3947.  

Shari Billger is an international teacher/vibrational healer, a teacher of Flower of Life, Living From The Heart Center, Reiki, Relationships/Tantra, Human Design, Energy Psychology (EFT) & dolphin workshops and leads sacred site tours. As a spiritual teacher and certified healer in many healing modalities, she leads you on a journey to cosmic consciousness helping you to remember that love is all there is, ever was, and all there ever will be.
Shari is retired chairperson of the international Flower of Life Facilitator Council and has taught the Merkaba globally for over  twenty-two years. As a spiritual teacher/certified healer in many healing modalities Shari leads you on a journey to cosmic consciousness helping you  remember that love is all there is, ever was, or ever will be. In 2007 the New York Times did a three-page article on her trip to Egypt.

More information about Shari at,