Dances of Universal Peace

Dances of Universal Peace with Bernie Heideman

Saturday, January 20
4 to 6 pm
3rd Street Center, Round Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

“The times call for prayer, connection, being in the heart, and joy.” – Bernie Heideman

The Dances of Universal Peace are circle dances with a mantra, sacred phrase, or affirmation sung while dancing. The experience allows for “presence” to naturally emerge in the group.  The dances are embodied  prayers.

You don’t need to be a great singer nor an accomplished dancer to participate.  All the voices  and steps blend.

Bernie Heideman has been leading dances for 25 years and has created many dances.  His current direction is to increase the level of joy in the dances as well increase the connection and depth.  His most recent dances are more “dance-y” where the steps relate to the rhythm of the chant.  His leadership style is relaxed, loose, and inviting.  Bernie has recorded 10 cd’s and led dances in many countries.

Suggested Donation: $10 at the door

More information at

Learn more about Bernie HERE.

The Dances of Universal Peace Event is co-sponsored by Lisa Dancing-Light
and Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing