A Documentary about Music & Vibrational Healing
Saturday, February 24th
6:30 pm
3rd Street Center, Round Room,
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale
Explore the world of sound healing!
This award-winning documentary (Hartley Film Award through The Institute of Noetic Sciences) highlights world-class performers, musicians and scientists conveying a wealth of detailed information of specific interest to health-care professionals, music therapists and body workers. It also presents simple practices to enhance well-being in our increasingly noisy and chaotic world.
Featuring awe inspiring cymatic images not seen in any of Dr. Hans Jenny’s original films as well as commentary by Deepak Chopra, Bernie Seigel, Don Campbell, Rupert Sheldrake, Barbara Crowe, Johnathan Goldman, Johnathan Beaulieu, and musicians Steven Halpern, Kay Gardner, Robert Gass, Ray Lynch and Therese Schroeder –Sheker.
Discussion will follow the film.
$10 Donation requested
For more information contact: Lisa Dancing-Light 970-963-3330 or lisa@lisadancinglight.com