Saturday, February 8th
1:30 – 4:00pm
Calaway Room, Third Street Center
520 Third Street, Carbondale
We grow through our relationships.
Many times our growth can be “stunted” in relationships that seem to be going no where. We keep trying, but nothing seems to budge. This workshop explores growth in terms of 7 different growth Goals and WorldView differences. As our consciousness changes, our relationships will change, as well. This is a natural part of human existence. Learn to recognize which relationships may not be the best growth opportunities for you and re-allocate that energy into relationships that can be mutual growth opportunities. If you are currently in a relationship that has gone flat, come learn why!
Great workshop for parents and teachers who want to learn about different growth Goals that will deepen your ability to support the children in your life. Great for adults – who want to understand what is going on with their aging parents! Choose conscious growth! Fee: $45
Ardis Hoffman is a certified Master Coach and Trainer in Alignment Technologies (a human consciousness technology) and Authentic Life Coach.