Kristal Parks, M.A., author, biologist, environmentalist and more

Re-Enchanting the World: Love in Action for the Earth & Her Critters
A Multimedia Presentation by Kristal Parks, M.A.

Thursday, September 20
6:30 to 8:30 pm
Calaway Room, Third Street Center,
520 S Third Street, Carbondale

Kristal Parks, M.A., speaker, sacred activist, nature mystic, author, biologist, environmentalist, elephant conservationist and visionary, will share anecdotes, amazing stories and profound lessons gleaned from decades of activism in various justice movements. For example: how majestic elephants are highly evolved and have a sense of humor and deep tenderness; or when incarcerated for peace actions, Kristal learned that racial reconciliation can happen when we take on the suffering of those oppressed; and how being awed by a blade of grass inspired her to do nonviolent direct actions on Earth’s behalf.

Kristal asserts that effective work for justice, peace, the earth and all beings comes from a felt experience of the wonder and sacredness of life. Further, she suggests that the current challenges we face are a momentous opportunity to participate with the ever-evolving bio-spiritual Universe in the creation of a new paradigm; which takes its cues from, and works in collaboration with, Indigenous people, science, other movements for justice and non-human nations. Yes, trees do talk, rocks grow and wolves howl delight at the moon! This new paradigm is defined by celebration, awe, joy and justice; capable of seeing splendor reflected even in the tiniest ant.

Admission is donation based: $15 to $35 sliding scale.

BIO: For two years Kristal lived as a hermit in the intimate embrace of a forest and what she learned there guides her vision. Also, she was a human shield for disappearing Mayans during Guatemala’s civil war; volunteered in refugee camps in South East Asia; helped end apartheid in South Africa; was imprisoned for non-violent peace actions (including 4 1/2 months in solitary confinement); worked undercover to expose housing discrimination; participated with Ecuadorian tribes to protect the Amazon rain forest; is an advocate for the disabled and is passionately involved in helping re-unite separated immigrant families in detention.

In 2005, Kristal founded Pachyderm Power! Love in Action for Elephants which worked to stop elephant genocide in Kenya for 10 years. Her pivotal efforts there successfully created an army of over 1,000 young people impassioned to save the elephant nation. Also, her actions helped end the use of elephants by the Ringling Bros. circus (including a 12 day water only hunger strike), which finally closed in 2017.

Kristal has practiced Zen Meditation, a la Thich Nhat Hahn, and Centering Prayer, a la Thomas Keating, for 35 years, and holds a B.Sc. in Biology and an M.A. in Justice, Peace and Social Transformation from the Iliff School of Theology.

What Others Are Saying…

Kristal’s presentation was exquisite, because of who she is and the stories she has to share. Therefore, her teaching, witness and wisdom are so utterly real. There was a deep connection she made [with the students] and all were moved and inspired to do more in their own way.Dr. Rev. Matthew Fox, theologian, professor, writer, visionary and founder of Creation Spirituality

Kristal is truly an amazing, gifted, heartfelt and powerful speaker. It is rare to have the opportunity to listen to someone who can speak so deeply and eloquently as Kristal. She is a bright light and brilliant example, showing others what is possible. I could listen for hours. Joseph Medicine Robe, Native American activist and musician

The fabulous and outrageous Kristal Parks walks her talk like no one I know! She is a terrific speaker that you will want if you are a teacher or have an organization. She’s the best! Dr. Tahdi Blackstone, director IONS-LA (Institute of Noetic Sciences in Los Angeles)

Being Who You Really Are with Truth Paradise

An Evening of Conversation with Truth Paradise
Wednesday, September 12th at 7 pm
Third Street Center, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

You are perfect, exactly the way you are and so is everyone else, however, you have been trained to believe otherwise.

We have all been trained to believe there is something wrong with us; our mind, our body, our feelings, our sexuality.

Accepting our self and others, as we really are is the solution.

Come and join in a conversation and an experience of being who you really are, in an atmosphere of acceptance and allowance.

Start by deciding to enjoy yourself just because you can.

An evening of exploration and experience.

By Donation

About Truth: “I am a seeker of truth, looking, listening, reading to whoever and whatever I thought might give me understanding and freedom from my own struggles and conflicts and in the end discovered the truth I sought is already inside of me.
I studied spiritual paths, philosophy, psychology, sociology, anthropology and learned from my own experiences in life, in my relationships with my friends, family and the many people who I have had the opportunity to be with. My most significant teachers include Buddha, Lau Tsu, Jesus, Krishnamurti, Jung, Werner Erhard, Byron Katie, Esther Hicks, Teal Swan, Muktananda, Osho, Paul Lowe, and the many men and women who have helped me along my path. I attended Penn State, Merritt College, Laney College, San Francisco State. I am committed to acceptance of everyone and everything as it is.”Truth Paradise, Carbondale, CO August 2018

For more information on the evening of conversation contact Truth at 970 987 0113 or e-mail

Hua Shan Taoist Chi Kung

Hua Shan Taoist Chi Kung with Kearns Kelly
FREE Sessions
Fridays at 9 am
September 7, 14 and 21
Sopris Park, Carbondale

Hua Shan Chi Kung is a complete system of Taoist practice that cultivates health, wellness, and spiritual development. The transformational potential of the practice is enacted through 3 levels, each level with 36 exercises.

A message from Kearns – “I recognize many benefits of my Chi Kung practice over the last 3 years, most notably a greater sense of balance, wellbeing, and groundedness. I feel a deeper appreciation of who I am and how I naturally express myself in the world in an authentic way — rather than responding to life through the limitations of my conditioning. The opportunities to deepen, expand, and grow through the practice are infinite, and the intelligence of the practice will guide each individual through their own process.

My teacher, Larry Johnson, who is the lineage holder of this particular style of Hua Shan Chi Kung, has recently given me permission to teach. I am excited to share this potent practice with those who feel inspired. Lessons are taught one to one between teacher and student, and typically last an hour.”

For details about these FREE sessions contact Kearns at or call 970-948-0261.

Kearns Kelly has lived in the Roaring Fork Valley for 25 years. He is an explorer and a seeker with deep interest in finding and expressing his authentic being – living as a full human being. Kearns and his wife Valery are raising their 2 daughters along the Crystal River at the base of Mt Sopris. Kearns invites you to join him on a journey of expression through the practice of Hua Shan Taoist Chi Kung.