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If you are looking for gifts for friends you might consider books
from authors we have featured as presenters over the years since 2003.

Elliott Dacher. MD
Elliott Dacher, MD, the inspiration for The Center for Human Flourishing. Dr. Dacher’s book “Integral Health The Path to Human Flourishing” and the Integral Health Model is the guiding map for programs we bring to the community. Dr. Dacher is the author of many books – Whole Healing: A Step-by-Step Program to Reclaim Your Power to Heal; Intentional Healing: A Guide to the Mind/Body Healing System; Pni: The New Mind/Body Healing Program; Integral Health: The Path to Human Flourishing; Aware, Awake, Alive: A Contemporary Guide to the Ancient Science of Integral Health and Human Flourishing, Practice CD included; Transitions: A Guide to the 6 Stages of a Successful Life Transition.
Dr. David Hawkins, author of Power vs Force; Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender; Transcending the Levels of Consciousness; Healing and Recovery; I: Reality and Subjectivity
Eben Alexander, MD, author of Proof of Heaven; Map of Heaven and the newly released Living in a Mindful Universe.
Michael Brown, author of The Presence Process and Alchemy of the Heart
Anne Hillman, author of Awakening the Energies of Love: Discovering Fire for the Second Time
Suzanne Giesemann, author of Messages of Hope, Wolf’s Message and 8 other books.
Connie Baxter Marlow and Andrew Cameron Bailey, authors of The Trust Frequency
Kimberlie Chenoweth, author of Walking in Wholeness and Reclaiming Wholeness
Sheri Gaynor, author of Creative Awakenings: Envisioning the Life of Your Dreams Through Art
Laureli Shimayo, co-author of The Sweet Spot: Leveraging Your Talents in Leadership and Life
Cynthia Clark. author of Stories in Your Hands: Discover Your Authentic Destiny Using Palmistry & Tarot
Sandro Torres, author of Lose Weight Permanently: Effective Body Transformation Through Lifestyle Changes

Loch Kelly
Loch Kelly, author of ft into Freedom: The Science and Practice of Open-Hearted Awareness
Kurt Johnson, PhD, co-author of The Coming Interspiritual Age
Nicholas Vesey, author of Developing Consciousness: A Roadmap of the Journey to Enlightenment and spiritual leader at the Aspen Chapel.
Jon Turk, author Crocodiles and Ice: A Journey into Deep Wild; The Raven’s Gift: A Scientist, a Shaman, and Their Remarkable Journey Through the Siberian Wilderness; In the Wake of the Jomon: Stone Age Mariners and a Voyage Across the Pacific.
Larry Gottlieb, author of The Seer’s Explanation.
Richard Moss, MD author of The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness; Inside-Out Healing: Transforming Your Life Through the Power of Presence; The Black Butterfly: An Invitation to Radical Aliveness; The Second Miracle: Intimacy, Spirituality, and Conscious Relationships; How Shall I Live?: Where Spiritual Healing and Conventional Medicine Meet; The I That Is We: Awakening to Higher Energies Through Unconditional Love.
Luann Robinson Hull, MSW, LSCSW, D.MIN, author of Happily Ever After Right Now!
Dr. David Berceli, author of The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process: Transcend Your Toughest Times, Shake It Off Naturally: Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Tension with [TRE], Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE): A revolutionary new method for stress/trauma recovery.
Edward Tick, PhD, author of The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine, War and the Soul: Healing Our Nation’s Veterans from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Warrior’s Return: Restoring the Soul After War, The Golden Tortise and more.
Daniel Berrigan, author of America is hard to find; TIME WITHOUT NUMBER: Selected Poems; And the Risen Bread: Selected and New Poems, 1957-1997 with John Dear; No Gods But One; The Raft is Not the Shore: Conversations Toward a Buddhist-Christian Awareness with Thich Nhat Hahn; Testimony: The Word Made Fresh with John Dear; Daniel: Under the Siege of the Divine; The Kings and Their Gods: The Pathology of Power; Love in Action: Writings on Nonviolent Social Change with Thich Nhat Hahn; Ten Commandments for the Long Haul: (Daniel Berrigan Reprint) and more.
Earth Songs: Mountains, Water and the Healing Power of Nature
Forks Over Knives
In Search of the Future, what do the wise ones know?
Making a Killing: Guns, Greed and the NRA
Rooted in Peace
Song of the New Earth
Appointment with a Wise Old Dog – Amazon streaming
Arranged – Amazon streaming
Shadows of Liberty – Amazon streaming
The Power of the Heart – Amazon streaming
The Secret – Amazon streaming
Music Artists and CDs
Sara Thomsen:
By Breath
Everything Changes
Somewhere to Begin
Fertile Ground