Movie and Chili Night

Sunday, March 11
5:30 pm
3rd Street Center, Round Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale


ORIGINS is a journey into where we came from. As we developed technology to help us survive we were able to thrive and develop our civilization. This progress has now pulled us out of balance with nature and is now making us ill and harming the planet.

The purpose of this film is to inspire everybody to choose a healthier lifestyle so we can preserve this planet for the generations to come. In order to understand how we can do this there’s, only one place to go: back to our origins.

Every single one of us can take steps right now to make our planet, our families, and ourselves much better.

Suggested Donation $10
Reserve Your SEAT and bowl of CHILI by E-mailing to

Chili, salads and more prepared by Ardis Hoffman

Hosted by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing, Ardis Hoffman, founder of Heart Healthy Meals, and Peter Goldstein founder of

Proceeds benefit Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. A 501(c)(3) organization

Of Sound Mind & Body

A Documentary about Music & Vibrational Healing
Saturday, February 24th
6:30 pm
3rd Street Center, Round Room,
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

Explore the world of sound healing!

This award-winning documentary (Hartley Film Award through The Institute of Noetic Sciences) highlights world-class performers, musicians and scientists conveying a wealth of detailed information of specific interest to health-care professionals, music therapists and body workers. It also presents simple practices to enhance well-being in our increasingly noisy and chaotic world.

Featuring awe inspiring cymatic images not seen in any of Dr. Hans Jenny’s original films as well as commentary by Deepak Chopra, Bernie Seigel, Don Campbell, Rupert Sheldrake, Barbara Crowe, Johnathan Goldman, Johnathan Beaulieu, and musicians Steven Halpern, Kay Gardner, Robert Gass, Ray Lynch and Therese Schroeder –Sheker.

Discussion will follow the film.

$10 Donation requested

For more information contact: Lisa Dancing-Light 970-963-3330 or

Movie & Chili Night – Finding Joe

Sunday, February 4
5:30 pm
3rd Street Center, Round Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

FINDING JOE – a film by Patrick Takaya Solomon

In the early 20th century, while studying world mythology, Joseph Campbell discovered a pattern hidden in every story ever told and he called it “the heroes journey”. A truly inspirational film, FINDING JOE takes us on the ultimate heroes journey: the journey of self discovery. As you slay dragons and uncover treasures, you just may find that the holy grail you seek is closer than you think.

Featuring: Deepak Chopra, Mick Fleetwood, Rashida Jones, Tony Hawk, Catherine Hardwicke, Laird Hamilton, Robert Walter, Akiva Goldsman, Sir Ken Robinson, Robin Sharma, Lynne Kaufman, Alan Cohen, Brian Johnson, Joseph Marshall III, Rebecca Armstrong, Chungliang Al Huang, David L. Miller, Gay Hendricks, David Loy and Norman Ollestad.


Suggested Donation $10
Reserve Your SEAT and bowl of CHILI! E-mail

Hosted by Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing, Ardis Hoffman, founder of Heart Healthy Meals,
and Peter Goldstein founder of

Proceeds benefit  Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing. A 501(c)(3) organization