Mystical Music Meditation

Mystical Music Meditation
with Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer

Thursday, August 23rd
7 pm
Third Street Center, Round Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer create a multi-dimensional experience of inspiring message-rich live music, conscious breathwork, silence, poetry, and guided meditation – all interwoven to take listeners on a beautiful inward journey. Their meditations often combine feminine and masculine aspects of practice and are as easy for beginners as they are investigative for the advanced. Find a safe place from the frenzy. It is both a journey and a destination. It is a place for rest and restoration, the space where the divine and the human intersect.

Suggested donation $15 to $25
Bring mat, pillow for your comfort. Chairs provided and also a few cushions and back jacks.

In 2013 Bob Sima and Shannon Plummer they left behind their fast-track, high-octane day jobs. Shannon worked in counter-terrorism and Bob was in corporate sales. They began to travel the country full-time spreading their powerful medicine – in the form of music, message, and experiences – to a world that is thirsty for meaning, purpose, and peace. Their collective movement is called Boldly Going Nowhere as a call for us all to slow down and tune in to allow presence, passion, and peace to find us.

More about Bob and Shannon at

A special event for the Roaring Fork Valley community supported by A Spiritual Center and Davi Nikent Center for Human Flourishing.

Special thanks to Jan Garrett and JD Martin for introducing Bob and Shannon to valley!