Movie + Chili Night – Eating You Alive

Eating You Alive – a feature-length documentary
revealing the truth behind why Americans are so sick and what we can do about it.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
5 pm
3rd Street Center, Calaway Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

Reinforce your New Year’s Resolution for Healthy Eating in 2018!

Are you aware that America’s “Health Care” Dollars are spent on Chronic Disease Care!

Half of all adults in the U.S. struggle with chronic health conditions including cancer, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, Alzheimer’s, arthritis and erectile dysfunction. Despite countless dollars spent on medical research, new drugs and innovative technology to improve our health, more Americans are disabled and dying from chronic disease than ever before.

A new documentary featuring leading medical experts and researchers, Eating You Alive takes a scientific look at the reasons we’re so sick, who’s responsible for feeding us the wrong information and how we can use whole-food, plant-based nutrition to take control of our health—one bite at a time.

Become inspired to be part of the growing population of people who are applying food as medicine!

Join us for Movie and Chili Night hosted by
Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing,
Ardis Hoffman, founder of Heart Healthy Meals,
and Peter Goldstein founder of – a “baby steps” approach to your new WFPB lifestyle.

Suggested Donation $10.
Reserve Your SEAT and bowl of CHILI by E-mailing



Prosperity – a film by author by Pedram Shojai

Prosperity – a film about “For Benefit” Companies
Thursday, December 14th
7 pm
3rd Street Center, 520 S Third Street, Carbondale

If you’re tired of hearing about all that’s wrong with the world and would rather get up and do something about it, then Prosperity is a must-see film. Get-inspired with ideas of how to invest your money and how to apply principles of “For Benefit” companies in your personal life and your business no matter how big or small!

Prosperity follows a new generation of companies that are doing the right thing and deserve our attention (and money). There’s an emerging movement of “For Benefit” companies that are building into their bylaws the new ethics of conscious companies. In the old days, a CEO could be sued by the board if he/she didn’t maximize profits at any cost. Now, companies can elect to be “For Benefit” and factor in doing the right thing over just profits alone.

“For Benefit” – A Revolutionary Movement that Is Changing The Game.

This documentary follows the key players in the “For Benefit” movement showing a real positive way out of the mess we’ve inherited and helped co-create. The more we support this blossoming movement, the more money goes to people who care…people who will take a stand for our values and our environment.

From CEOs of major public companies, to urban farmers, and remote tribes, Prosperity covers the whole story in a powerful narrative.

If you don’t know of the Prosperity Film Producer, Pedram Shojai, OMD now is the time!

Pedram is the founder and CEO of Well.Org, the editor of Be More! magazine, the author of the NY Times bestseller The Urban Monk (Rodale, 2016) and Rise and Shine (Process, 2011), the producer and director of the movie Vitality, the executive producer and writer for the film, Origins and the Host of two weekly video podcast series, The Urban Monk and The Health Bridge. In his spare time, he’s also a Taoist priest, a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, a kung fu world traveler, a fierce global green warrior, an avid backpacker, a Qi Gong Master, and an old school Jedi bio-hacker working to preserve our natural world and wake us up to our full potential.

Suggested Donation: $10.
Reserve YOUR seat! E-mail

Think about the money you spend on things that end up in landfills or to support lobbyists that work against our best interest. Prosperity will show you how and where to redirect that money to companies who care and are taking a stand for a brighter future. Is you are a consumer of anything – food, clothing, sports equipment, shelter – YOU MATTER. Every cent you spend is a vote. Where are you investing the energy and prosperity of your family? Learn how to create a brighter future – one purchase at a time.

Proceeds from Film Screening benefit Davi Nikent, Center for Human Flourishing.


MESSAGES OF HOPE – a documentary of astounding career change

MESSAGES OF HOPE –  a Chris Lavelle Documentary
The story of the astounding career change of Naval Commander Suzanne Giesemann.
Wednesday, September 13th
7 pm
Third Street Center, Calaway Room
520 S. Third Street, Carbondale

Why are we here? What happens when we die? Is this life all there is?

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SG waterfallWhen Commander Suzanne Giesemann, former U.S Navy commanding officer and aide to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, walked the halls of the Pentagon and flew on Air Force One, she did everything by the book. A personal witness to the horrors of 9/11, she saw things in black and white, with little time for spiritual seeking. Never did she expect that a personal family tragedy would propel her on a mystical journey that would turn her life’s path in a most unexpected direction.

The documentary is winner of eight national and international awards!

Be prepared to be surprised and awed!

Admission: Suggested donation $5

The screening of this film is in preparation for Suzanne’s fourth visit to Carbondale bringing a new workshop and her personal story of  her experiences helping people connect with their loved ones after death. 

Make plans NOW to attend Suzanne’s Adventures in Consciousness: To What End? 
September 27 @ 79:30 pm, 3rd Street Center, 520 S. Third Street, Carbondale.
Fee: $25.
For Reservations e-mail or call 970-618-5879.

Suzanne has the honor of serving as Chairman of Eternea’s Spirituality Leadership Council and as a member of its Executive Council. Eternea is a publicly-supported global non-profit organization formed by Dr. Eben Alexander author of “Proof of Heaven”, to facilitate the convergence of science and spirituality for personal and global transformation. Its mission is to promote research, education, and outreach activities about spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), such as near-death experiences and after-death communication that awaken people to the eternal nature of consciousness and its survival beyond bodily death. More about Eternea HERE.

For reservations and more information e-mail 

Read more about Suzanne and the film HERE