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HEAL the Documentary – FREE Screening

December 19, 2019 @ 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

Third Thursday at Third Street Film Night presents… HEAL the Documentary   
FREE Event – December 19, 6:30 – 8:00
Third Street Center, Calaway Room

The innate wisdom of the body can heal any disease, any disorder — if we would only get out of the way. This is the premise behind the documentary HEAL, which takes the mind-body connection to a whole new level with interviews from leading scientists, holistic practitioners, energy workers and medical doctors — including Kelly Brogan, M.D., Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anthony Williams, among many others.

Considering almost 50 percent of Americans are dealing with some form of chronic illness, HEAL couldn’t have come at a better time.

Director Kelly Noonan Gores’ documentary takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.

FREE Tickets Available on Eventbrite

For more information, please visit www.healdocumentary.com 


December 19, 2019
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Third Street Center

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