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Spring Into Wellness, First Friday, April 4th, 2025
April 5, 2024 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Spring Into Wellness, First Friday, April 5th, 2024
Carbondale Recreation Center
567 Colorado Avenue, Carbondale
5 to 8 pm
Showcasing wellness practitioners and businesses who support the health and well-being of our community and beyond!
Health begins from the ground up!
For Practitioners or Businesses in the healing arts:
HOW TO PARTICIPATE in Spring Into Wellness First Friday April 5, 2024
Download .pdf with instructions and registration form HERE.
Two Featured Locations:
- Carbondale Recreation Center at 567 Colorado Avenue – hosting tables with wellness practitioners and businesses from Carbondale and beyond. Community Garden representatives, music and more…
- Other participating businesses and restaurants are up and down Main Street and just off Main.
Collaboratively we are raising awareness of all the wellness opportunities
available in Carbondale and beyond!
Everyone is welcome to come to the Carbondale Recreation Center between 5 and 8 pm on Friday April 5th to visit the wellness practitioners, food growers, health coaches, exercise experts and more who are hosting tables in the Gym.
Pick cards up at Rec Center front desk or from display tables.
How to play: Visit any of the tables at Carbondale Rec Center and introduce yourself. Strike up a conversation by telling the person why you chose to stop at their table. Check out the special offering they have for this event. Ask the business representative to initial your Bingo Card. When all squares are filled drop the card in green box in the Gym or at the Front desk.
Be sure to include your name and contact information on the card.
Your completed card will be eligible for the gift drawing.
You will be notified by e-mail or phone to pick up your “prize” at the Carbondale Recreation Center.
For Practitioners or Businesses in the healing arts:
HOW TO PARTICIPATE in Spring Into Wellness First Friday April 5, 2024
Download .pdf with instructions and registration form HERE.
Participating businesses and co-sponsors:
* denotes that the business is contributing a “prize” to the Bingo Game Drawing.
A Center for IV Infusion, Cindy Hall, D.O.
*Alpine Bank alpinebank.com
*Alpine Therapeutics alpinespalife.com
*Antoinette Yarrow Clinical Herbalist antoinetteyarrow.com
*Bee Friendly Carbondale beefriendlycarbondale.com
*Carbondale Acupuncture Center carbondaleacupuncture.com
*Carbondale Animal Hospital carbondaleah.com/
Carbondale Community Acupuncture cocommunityacupuncture.com
*Carbondale Crossfit carbondalecrossfitco.com
Carbondale Farmers Market carbondalefarmersmarket.com
*Cavi-Cinch cavicinch.com
*Colorado Mountain College coloradomtn.edu
Color of Hope Mateo Sandate
Crystal Blanket crystalblanket.com
*Current Ritual currentritual.com
*Custom Body Fitness custombodyfitnessgws.com
*Dooley Creek Farm dooleycreekfarm.com
*Dream Healings dreamhealings.com
*Emily Zerba, DO thrivecarbondale.com
*Granetta Panini granetta.com
*Hamilton’s Mushrooms hamiltonsmushrooms.com
*High Mountain Medicinals mountainmedicinalsco.com
Labyrinth Walk – Laura Kirk
Light of the Moon, Inc lightofthemooninc
*Lisa J Wilson Reclaim The Surprising Gift of Toxic Relationships radicallyauthenticyou.com
*Magic Mountain Nature Camp magicmountainnaturecamps
*Martin Finkelstein Tai Chi Qi Gong taichiwithmarty.com
*Roaring Fork Fencers Club roaringforkfc.com
*Roaring Fork Reflexology roaringforkreflexology
*Roaring Fork Reiki rfvreiki.com
*Rocky Mountain Therapros rockymountaintherapros.com
*Seed Peace seedpeace.org
Sopris Lodge soprislodge.com
*The Center for Prevention and Treatment of Disease through Nutrition
The Peoples’ Clinic thirdstreetcenter.net/the-center/laclinicadelpubleo
*Thrive Osteopathy thrivecarbondale.com
and MORE…(watch for daily updates.)
Businesses offering prizes for the Bingo Game Drawing:
Granetta Panini www.granetta.com
Village Smithy Restaurant villagesmithy.com
Sopris Liquors soprisliquor.com
Flowers on Main Street flowersonmainst.com
Carbondale Recreation Center has a full schedule of Fitness Classes. A lot of variety to choose from for various age groups and abilities. Check out the line-up of classes HERE.
And for the monthly calendar of classes check HERE.
Main Sponsors
- Carbondale Arts First Friday
- Carbondale Parks and Recreation Department
- Check out the classes available at the Rec Ctr and make a plan for your Spring Tune-up by signing up for one or more of the offerings
- The Center for Human Flourishing
- Calendar of Events for TCfHF – HERE.
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